The ‘Successful Chiropractor’s Playbook’ To Eliminate Insurance Headaches, Deliver High Ticket Services For $5k, $10k Or more, And Consistently Attract Cash-Paying Patients To Your Practice In Less Than 60 Days

(Discover The Time-Freeing Power Of Premium Chiropractic Care And Watch Your Practice Flourish With Cash-Paying Clients.)

I Will Personally Walk You Through, Step by Step, How To Work Exclusively With Cash Paying Patients, Let Your Staff Deliver The Services, And Free Up Your Time While Attracting 10 Or More Cash-Paying Patients To Your Practice Month After Month… Absolutely for FREE

**For Chiropractors In Private Practice ONLY**

    Watch The Video Below Now!

Yes! I want to attract only high paying patients!

For Chiropractors In Private Practice:

Dear exhausted doctor, would it surprise you to learn that our clients are able to easily attract 5, 10 or more high quality cash-paying dream patients, while actually SLASHING the hours they work, using ONE simple technique? 


Of course you are!

But stick with me and I’ll make it worth your while.


We Do This Using A Completely Counterintuitive Method That I’m About To Share With You In Just A Minute

The very same method that hundreds of chiropractors in private practice from all over the world are using to finally grow their practice with ease… 

… And attract a steady stream of cash paying high quality patients, even if they’ve felt stuck doing low fee adjustments for YEARS…

… All without trying scummy marketing tactics, hiring more staff or working 7 days/week…

… And best of all, they’re able to be present with their loved ones, unplug at the end of the day, let their staff carry the slack, and actually perform better in their practice (even if they were exhausted for years!)

Like Dr Chris, Who Went From Struggling With Low Fee Services… To Enjoying Their First $200k Month In Less Than Two Weeks!

And the best part is, Dr Chris didn’t have to figure it all out by himself...

He simply deployed my system and focused on increasing his capacity, building a team he can trust while improving customer service, effectively allowing him to step away!

Or Dr Roger, Who Was Finally Able To Move Away From Chiro & Rehab… And Into High Value Services His Patients Were Happy To Pay Top Dollar For

Or Dr Michael, Who Went From Struggling With Facebook Ads, Direct Mail And Any Other Marketing Tactic Under The Sun Just To Grow His Practice… Implemented Our Strategy And Brought In A Whopping $50 000 In A Single Day!

He brought in key players in his practice and was able to free up his time dramatically while his staff carried their weight like rockstars!

We could easily fill this entire page with hundreds of success stories just like these because this simple method has been changing the lives of countless Chiropractors all over the world…

If You Want To Know HOW And WHY This Works So Well, I’ll Give You The Secret In Just Three Words:

Elite. Experience. Engine.

Now, if you’re like most chiropractors in private practice, you’re busy doing discount deals, generic advertising, and accepting every insurance plan so you can draw in more patients. 

But here’s the problem with that - these strategies commoditize your services, making you indistinguishable from the next practitioner, and they attract a clientele that prioritizes cost over quality.

And so the more you do that, the more you diminish the perceived value of your work… and eventually, you're stuck in a cycle of high volume and low profit, drained from treating a ceaseless parade of patients who see chiropractic care as a bargain-bin commodity, and you're burning out, watching your passion for healing wilt in the harsh light of an overbooked, under-rewarding schedule. 

And then usually, you end up resenting the very career you once loved, trapped in a hamster wheel of financial and emotional scarcity. 

That’s not what I want for you, and I know it’s not what you want for yourself.

What you need to do instead is leverage the Elite Experience Engine. 

Here’s what that looks like: instead of racing to the bottom with fees and feeling undervalued, instead you use the EEE.

The Elite Experience Engine is a totally new way of dealing with the devaluation of chiropractic services. 

The big idea behind it is to create a service that’s not just a treatment, but a holistic, high value experience that engages patients emotionally, making every visit to your practice a memorable event, while having your staff provide the service. 

This approach sidesteps the pitfalls of competing on price and instead positions your practice as a premium service provider.

This allows you to attract discerning patients who value their health as much as their time… and that means you can command higher fees and attract those 10 new high-paying patients per month in a matter of weeks, not years… While actually enjoying your success rather than feeling chained to your practice.

Imagine what it would be like to look at your schedule and see it filled with clients who are not just patients, but advocates and fans of your exclusive service.

How do I know this works so well? 

Because the Elite Experience Engine is what’s enabled me to help hundreds of ambitious chiropractors just like you finally earn what they're worth, while freeing up their time dramatically… in a matter of WEEKS. 

We’ve proven this hundreds of times…and I want to put this same strategy to work for YOU.

Now, I’m About To Do Something Absolutely Crazy…

I’m Going To Literally HAND You This ‘Elite, Experience, Engine’ Absolutely Risk-Free

So What's The Catch?

This Is NOT For Everyone

Yes! I want to attract only high paying patients!

We'll get on the phone for about 45 minutes, and I’ll ask you questions about the growing pains and stress you're going through. 

I want to know about why you’ve gotten stuck, what’s bringing you down, and everything you've tried that hasn't worked. 

We’ll then lay out a custom game plan for you to start attracting high quality patients and implement staff driven services in your practice asap. 

And if you want my help to deploy this system to make sure you get it right the first time and start seeing results asap, we can talk about how to make that happen. If not, that’s cool too. 

Either way, by the time we’re done with this call, you’re going to have a crystal clear path to beating your slump, skyrocket profits, and feel on fire again…

There is NO charge for this call. It's absolutely FREE.

I have a very strict criteria for WHO I can serve.

  • You MUST be a chiropractor in private practice… 
  • You MUST be self-improvement oriented, because no surface-level solutions will solve this problem for you.
  • This MUST be your top priority. You’re ready to reinvent your practice and thrive NOW, not later. 

If that’s not you, please close this page. 

If that is you, hit the button below and book your free strategy call NOW.

And again, if you DO decide that you want our help to implement this game plan, the whole thing is guaranteed. 

If it doesn’t work for you, you won’t pay me a penny, so you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. 

Click the button below and schedule your FREE Breakthrough Session now.

Yes! I want to attract only high paying patients!

Make sure you mark your calendar and set reminders so you don’t miss this - it will be absolutely life-changing. 

If you need to reschedule, there’s a link in the confirmation email you’ll receive. 

Talk Soon,

Dr Phil Straw,


DR Biz Boom

Dr. Phil Straw and his business partner Vivienne Reign have established over eight clinics that provided  high value services with total revenue of over 125 million.

As their vision  to help more and more patients increased they realized the best way to help more and more patients wasn't by opening more clinics, rather by empowering hundreds of  doctors around the country with their practice and marketing systems.

This led to the founding of Dr Biz Boom in 2019.